10 Essential Tips To Beat The Aussie Summer In 2023
Written by Sai Pragna Chagarla, Staff Writer – Hola Health


- Ensure food safety: Summer means barbeques, picnics, and gatherings over food. As much as we love summer there is another organism which loves the heat more, The bacteria. Heat acts as a catalyst in growing bacteria faster than usual, ensuring faster contamination of food. Here are some tips to reduce contamination:
- a. Cook the food at the right temperature especially the meat/seafood. Refrigerate the food within two hours after cooking.
- b. Do not mix uncooked and cooked food. Uncooked food such as meat can get contaminated quickly when exposed to room temperature.
- c. Keep the kitchen counter, utensils used and refrigerator clean.
- d. Disposing the food when left outside refrigerator for a longer period, and marinade used for meat.
- Time your outdoor activity: Plan outdoor activities during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning and late afternoon. Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest hours between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Hydration is key: Summer heat often leads to loss of fluids and hence leads to dehydration. Here are some tips to stay hydrated throughout the day:
- a. It is important to always have accessibility to water and keep sipping on water throughout the day.
- b. If plain water is too boring, intake of fluids can also be done with flavoured water such as adding a little bit of lime or some strawberries, mint, herbal teas, fruit juices, sparkling or slightly chilled water.
- c. As a rule, a person should get anywhere between 2 – 3 litres of water per day.
- d. Dehydration can lead to constipation, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and more. Colour of the urine is a good indicator to know if a person is dehydrated. Pale, odourless, and plentiful urine is often an indication that the person is hydrated.
- Get your sun protection on: Australia’s sun can be harsh, so protecting your skin from harmful Ultra-Violet rays is essential. For the best sun protection, turn to the slip-slop-slap seek-slide mode.
- a. Slip on protective clothing that keeps you cool such as long-sleeved shirts, wide-brimmed hats, and lightweight but tightly woven fabrics.
- b. Slop on SPF 30+ or higher sunscreen.
- c. Slap on a hat.
- d. Seek shade.
- e. Slide on sunglasses.
- f. Keep babies and children out of harsh sun.
- g. Do not get exposed to heat. You can now get all your sun protection gear such as sunscreens, lotions or any other prescription or OTC medicine from the comfort of your home with Hola Health medicine delivery
- Be prepared for bushfires: If you are living closer to grasslands, farmland, or forest areas, you are much more likely to have an effect of bush fires. Constant monitoring about the status of bush fires in your locality, preparing your property and getting the emergency bush fire plan ready is essential. Bush fire smoke is potentially harmful to people with other health conditions such as asthma, pregnancy, heart disease, lung issues, age related issues and older people.
- Keep an eye on insects and mosquitoes: Summer is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects. These pests will pose potential health risks such as viral disease, Dengue, or malaria if proper care is not taken to protect from them. Here are some essential tips:
- a. Get a topical insect repellent especially one with diethyltoluamide (DEET) or picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
- b. Reduce mosquito breeding around your home or office by emptying, covering, or removing containers or items that may collect water.
- c. Ensure the fan is on as mosquitoes do not like to be in a windy environment.
- d. Be especially careful while trekking or staying outdoors such as a campsite.
- Be beach-prepared: When going to beach or outdoors, ensure sunscreen is applied to all the exposed skin. Get a beach umbrella, towel, and drinks to cool yourself down. In Australia, too much exposure to the sun can lead to skin damage at the cellular level leading to more prominent issues. Tanning is not advisable especially during the peak summer.
- Keep a tab on allergies: Summer and Spring is the onset of the allergy season in Australia. People prone to various allergies such as allergic rhinitis, and asthma should be ready with their action plan by consulting a GP. Get ahead of the wait times and travelling to a hospital. You can now consult an AHPRA accredited GP’s online on Hola health within 15 minutes.
- Eat to beat the heat and limit alcohol: Along with hydration, it is important to consume food that cools down your body in the summer.
- a. Get a good dose of those seasonal fruits such as watermelon, sweet pineapples, peaches etc.
- b. Load yourself on fresh veggies and lean meats.
- c. Embrace seafood, local produce, cooling soups and drinks, whole grains and frozen treats made of natural ingredients.
- d. Limit your alcohol intake to the recommended standard to consume alcohol as alcohol makes dehydration worse
- e. Switch to lemonades, berry smoothies and enjoy the summer in all its glory.
- Plan for heat waves or rising temperatures: There are many ways to plan for the heat waves such as:
- a. Ensuring the air conditioning is working properly.
- b. Check weather forecast before planning outdoor activities.
- c. Get an appointment with a GP to take care of allergies.
- d. Stock up on sun protection.
Feeling sick and unsure why? Speak with a GP online in 15 minutes.
Feeling sick and unsure why? Speak with a GP online in 15 minutes.
- Summertime food safety tips – ACT Health Reference Link
- Australian Institute for Food Safety: Reference Link
- Staying Hydrated – Health Direct: Reference Link
- Health Direct-Hot weather risks and staying cool: Reference Link
- Australian academy of Health and Medical Sciences -Australian Bush fires and impact on health: Reference Link
- CSIRO – Safe ways to keep flies and mosquitoes at bay: Reference Link
- RACGP – Reference Link
- Sun protection and Sunscreens – Australian college of dermatologists Reference Link
- No Sweat by MECC: Reference Link
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10 Essential Tips To Beat The Aussie Summer In 2023
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