Mental health is an important component of overall wellness, influencing our cognition, behaviours and emotions and shaping the essence of who we are. According to a survey by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, from 2020 to 2022, 8.5 million Australians aged 16-85 had experienced a mental disorder at some point in their life. Just as we emphasise fitness through exercise, nutrition, and rest, it’s equally essential to adopt strategies that promote good mental health. Let’s explore effective methods for safeguarding and enhancing mental well-being.

Maintaining good mental health: 10 daily actions and habits

Your emotional well-being is as important as your physical health. It is essential to have meaningful social relationships, a positive sense of self, and the ability to handle the ups and downs of life to ensure good mental health.  Here are some tips that may help you maintain your psychological well-being.
  1. Stay physically active: Exercising daily, even if it’s for a short duration can help you stay refreshed and happy. Get moving every day, even if it's only a little stroll. Endorphins are released during exercise which can improve your mood and lower stress levels.
  2. Healthy eating: Supply your body with wholesome nutrients that promote mental well-being. Your mental health may improve by eating a well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and nutritious meats.
  3. Be grateful: Regular appreciation of all the things that you are grateful for increases optimism lessens anxiety and depressive symptoms and enhances overall well-being. Gratitude exercises promote resilience by helping people redefine obstacles, increase self-esteem, develop relationships, and decrease stress levels.
  4. Get adequate sleep: Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Inadequate sleep harms your emotions, thinking, and mental well-being in general. Thus, developing a proper sleep schedule and following it diligently can help you regulate your mental health effectively.
  5. Mindfulness and meditation: You may try to make time for mindfulness exercises or meditation. These methods can aid in lowering stress levels, raising self-awareness, and enhancing mental clarity in general.
  6. Limit screen time: Create a limit on how much time you spend on computers, smartphones, and televisions. Anxiety and tension can be aggravated by excessive screen time and exposure to blue light rays. Instead, try reading a book or practising a hobby that you may have lost touch with. 
  7. Connect with others: Set aside time to meet your loved ones, family, and friends. Having social ties is essential for preserving mental wellness as it can provide a sense of belonging and make you feel loved. 
  8. Establish realistic objectives: Divide your larger objectives into more doable, smaller ones, and acknowledge your progress along the way. You might feel more purposeful and good about yourself when you set and accomplish goals.
  9. Develop stress management skills: Create healthy coping strategies to efficiently handle stress. This can be journaling, practising deep breathing, or participating in enjoyable activities.
  10. Take breaks: Try to take a break if a stressful situation is overwhelming you. Even for a little while, a change of scenery might help you de-stress and become more at ease.

 What to avoid?

To maintain good mental health, it’s essential to avoid the following:
  • Excessive stress - It is important to manage stress levels through effective coping strategies to maintain good mental health.
  • Negative self-talk - Always question pessimistic notions and encourage self-compassion and positive self-talk.
  • Isolation - Encourage friendly associations and avoid withdrawing from pulling away from helpful connections.
  • Substance abuse - Strictly avoid mind-altering substance addiction such as alcohol or drugs.
  • Poor sleep habits - Focus on revitalising repose and establishing a regular sleep pattern.
  • Neglecting physical health - Prioritise physical health and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Ignoring warning signs - Pay heed to changes in appetite, behaviour, or mood and seek help when needed.

When to talk to a healthcare practitioner?

It’s crucial to reach out to a healthcare practitioner regarding mental health if there are persistent symptoms that are interfering with day-to-day functioning and quality of life. If feelings of anxiety, sorrow, or stress persist for a lengthy duration, impacting work, relationships, and overall well-being, seeking professional help is imperative. Moreover, if there are significant changes in sleep patterns or eating habits or an individual is having self-harm thoughts, immediate assistance is essential. A healthcare provider such as a therapist or a counsellor can provide support and guidance along with an appropriate treatment plan. Remember, seeking help is the key to improved mental health and wellness.

Talk to our licensed doctors for a mental health assessment, with all costs bulk-billed by Medicare. Get support and make the most of the Mental Health Care Plan benefits.

Maintaining good mental health requires conscious strivings and a holistic approach that considers all aspects and elements. By incorporating effective strategies such as a healthy lifestyle, positive self-talk, and stress management, we can foster resilience and overall mental wellness. Emphasising mental health not only benefits individuals but also enhances the health of communities and societies as a whole. 

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