In our bustling lives, where days rush by in a flurry of activities, health often takes a backseat—until it demands our attention. Regular health checks can be our best defence against unseen medical challenges. These act as a preventive measure and help our peace of mind. Whether a quick check at the GP’s office or a simple test at home, understanding what’s happening inside your body is invaluable. Here’s a guide to on-the-spot health checks essential for staying on top of your health.

Why regular health checks are important?

Regular health checks serve as a fundamental part of preventive healthcare. Identifying health issues early reduces the risk of developing severe conditions. For young adults,  health checks can help track the impact of lifestyle choices on health outcomes over time, offering a chance to make informed adjustments. Think of them like software updates for your phone—except they keep your body running smoothly.

Basic health checks at home

  1. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is often a silent intruder; it shows no symptoms its risks are serious. Checking your blood pressure regularly can be as simple as using a home monitor. Aim for a check every few months or weekly if you’ve had past issues.
  2. Check your heart rate: Your resting heart rate can tell a lot about your heart health. A simple pulse check for a minute each morning can alert you to changes that might indicate stress, dehydration, or heart issues.

Health checks for your heart

  1. Cholesterol levels: High cholesterol is an attack on your arteries. Using home kits or getting a quick test at your GP can reveal your cholesterol levels. Yearly checks are advisable if you’re under 40, or more frequently if you have a family history of heart disease.
  2. Electrocardiogram (ECG): While more common at a doctor’s office, portable ECG devices are now available for home use. They can detect irregular heart rhythms such as atrial fibrillation, a precursor to other heart conditions.
Speak to a healthcare expert through a telehealth appointment and get all your doubts about health checks answered!

Health checks for eye conditions

  1. Visual acuity test: Using online charts or apps to check clarity of vision can alert you to changes that may require professional attention.
  2. Eye pressure test: Particularly for those at risk of glaucoma, checking eye pressure at an optometrist annually is a proactive step.

Health checks for diabetes

  1. Blood sugar levels: Home glucose monitoring kits are crucial for those diagnosed with or at risk for diabetes. Regular monitoring can guide diet and medication adjustments.
  2. HbA1c blood test: Provides an average blood sugar level over the past three months. It’s usually done annually but may be more frequent based on your doctor’s advice.

Health checks for bowel cancer

  1. Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): Recommended 2 yearly for everyone between 50-74 years old, this free home test offered by The National Bowel Screening Program in Australia can catch early signs of bowel cancer.
  2. Colonoscopy: If you have a family history of bowel cancer, starting regular colonoscopies at a younger age than the general recommendation might be wise.

Health checks for your bones

  1. Calcium levels: Keeping track of calcium intake and checking bone density every few years can help detect early signs of osteoporosis.
  2. Vitamin D check: As a crucial component for bone health, testing for Vitamin D levels, especially in regions with less sunlight, can prevent bone deterioration.

Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) screening

  1. Regular testing: For sexually active individuals, regular STI screenings are crucial. Many STIs do not show symptoms immediately but can have long-term health impacts.
  2. HPV vaccine: An essential preventive measure in guarding against the Human Papillomavirus, which can lead to cervical cancer.

Can a telehealth doctor help with your health checkups?

Telehealth services have revolutionised follow-ups and routine checks. They can guide you on how to conduct self-tests at home and when to seek in-person care. A telehealth appointment can be efficient and comprehensive, especially for discussing results and next steps after home screenings.  Keeping tabs on your health with these checks can seem daunting but integrating them into your routine can be less intimidating than you think. They are your first line of defence in maintaining health and catching potentially serious issues early. Whether you opt for home checks or a quick visit to your GP, take charge of your health with regular screenings. Remember, the best health strategy allows you to live your fullest life – consider booking a check-up or test that you’ve been putting off.

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