It is common during the cold season to wake up with a scratchy throat, headache, and a cough that produces yellow phlegm. We all have phlegm – a thick fluid generated in the respiratory system, made up of mucous and dead cells. It is normal if the phlegm is clear or white. However, if one has a respiratory infection, the body will produce increased phlegm, and the infection can cause the phlegm to turn yellow or green.  Yellow phlegm when coughing is quite natural during sickness, especially when suffering from a cold or bronchitis. It refers to the body's reaction to an irritant or bacteria. But what does this bright-coloured mucous signify? Should you worry, or is it entirely natural when overcoming a cough? Let’s break it down. 

What causes yellow phlegm?

When you cough up yellow mucous, it often signals your body is fighting an infection caused by: 
  • Viruses: The colds and flu viruses affect the respiratory system, particularly the lungs, by causing inflammation of the passages leading to the lungs, which in turn causes mucous production. Neutrophils follow to engulf in pus, changing the colour of phlegm to yellow. 
  • Bacteria: Infections caused by bacteria, such as bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and tonsillitis, can cause yellow or green phlegm as the bacteria divide. 
  • Smoking: Substances such as chemical irritants, toxins, and cell accumulation contribute to the formation of yellow mucous in smokers. 
  • Environmental pollution: Chemicals, pollens, and dust cause the formation of yellow mucous. 

How to treat yellow phlegm cough at home?

Understanding how to treat a cough with yellow phlegm at home is important for many people. Yellow phlegm is often an acute infection that can be effectively treated by the body without medical intervention in about 1-2 weeks. Here are some helpful home remedies: 
  • Rest: It is important to allow your body to use energy in the process of healing rather than in tension and stress. 
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water, chicken or vegetable broths, and herbal teas to keep the mucous thin. 
  • Humidifier: This helps reduce irritation in the throat and other parts of the respiratory system. 
  • Gargle salt water: This is effective in removing mucous from the throat area and relieving a sore throat. 
  • Over-the-counter medications: Use decongestants, expectorants, and antihistamines as required, but only for short term symptom relief. 
  • Avoid mucous-producing foods: Do not consume foods that have a high content of mucous-producing ingredients. 
  • Steam inhalation: Taking a shower and breathing in the steam can help unclog nostrils and clear out phlegm. 
  • Supplements: Vitamin C and zinc can be beneficial. 

When to consult a doctor?

See your doctor if your cough persists over 2 weeks or if yellow phlegm is accompanied by these red flags: 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Severe pain 
  • Recurring fevers/chills 
  • Blood in mucus 
  • Underlying health condition 
  • Face/lip discoloration 
  • Confusion 
  • Rapid deterioration 

Can a telehealth doctor help with yellow phlegm cough? 

Telehealth allows a physician to review your symptoms, acquire your health history, diagnose a condition, and request the appropriate prescriptions if needed. It helps in receiving proper care without exposing others to sickness in waiting areas and provides easy follow-up care to check on patient improvement. Book at telehealth appointment with a registered Australian GP now 

Frequently asked questions 

Is coughing up phlegm a good thing, and what other signs might it exhibit? 

Partially, yes. Phlegm helps overcome irritants in the bronchi and other passages. However, excess phlegm can cause annoyance and aggravate infections. 

Why phlegm changes colour? 

White blood cells and bacterial cellular breakdown can cause phlegm to change colour, indicating the body is fighting an infection. The colour can sometimes help determine the type of illness present. 

Does coughing up yellow phlegm mean you're getting better? 

Possibly. When mucous transitions from thick yellow to thin and clear, it means the infection is clearing up and exiting the body. 

Is bright yellow phlegm a sure sign of a chest infection? 

No. It is the immune system's reaction to irritations in the respiratory system caused by a virus or bacteria. Only a doctor can definitively diagnose the source of the infection. 

How can one deal with yellow-coloured sputum? 

Rest, fluids, non-prescription medications, steam, warm saltwater gargles, and a telehealth consultation for home care. Consult a doctor in person if symptoms are severe or persistent. 

Does spitting out yellow phlegm help cure a cold? 

Yes. Removing accumulated mucous can reduce inflammation, promote recovery, and prevent spreading sickness to others. 

Is yellow mucous caused by bacterial or viral infection? 

It is difficult to tell without laboratory examination. Treatments are similar, so doctors focus on symptom control unless the infection is clear, long-standing, or high-risk. 

 How long should yellow mucus last? 

Viral infections usually resolve in 1-2 weeks, while bacterial infections may take longer. Consult a doctor if symptoms persist or seem unusual. 

What colour is pneumonia phlegm? 

Rusty or brownish mucous can indicate long-standing presence in the lungs, while yellow or green mucous lasting more than a few days may suggest bacterial pneumonia. Consult a doctor if these symptoms persist. 

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