Early signs of dementia
Written by Priyanka Agarwal, Writer at Hola Health
Medically reviewed by Dr Mark Mellor, FRACGP DCH MBChB BSc


What is dementia?
Dementia covers a spectrum of cognitive disorders characterised by memory, thinking, judgment and understanding impairments. Dementia can be mild, moderate or severe and symptoms are usually progressive (get worse over time). In 2023, it was estimated that there were 411,100 (AIHW estimate) Australians living with dementia. Common forms of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, Vascular dementia, Frontotemporal dementia, and Mixed dementia.10 symptoms and signs of dementia
Initial symptoms and signs of dementia can be subtle. Symptoms can vary between different dementia syndromes and between different people. Symptoms may include:1. Memory loss:
people with dementia may lose track of recent discussions or events, misplace belongings, or struggle to recall important details. While occasional forgetfulness is normal with ageing, people with dementia may forget things more often or not remember them at all, especially for recent events.2. Difficulty with communication:
As dementia progresses, a person’s ability to communicate may be affected. This may manifest as difficulty explaining something, finding the right words, or struggling to follow the thread of a conversation.3. Disorientation:
A person with dementia may lose track of time or place, get confused about location even in familiar places and get muddled about dates.4. Problem-solving:
A person with dementia may struggle with calculations and decision-making.5. Emotional fluctuations or mood changes:
A person with dementia may have mood changes, become irritable or anxious, or become socially withdrawn.6. Spatial awareness:
A person with dementia may struggle to judge distances or follow directions. They may find it difficult to navigate their way around their home or find their way home.7. Apathy:
A person with dementia may lose interest in tasks or activities they previously enjoyed.8. Procedural skills:
Everyday tasks may be challenging for people with dementia, e.g., cooking a meal, playing a game, and managing finances.Also read - 30 Healthy Habits for Men over 40
What can you do about early warning signs of dementia?
If you or someone you know is showing symptoms or signs of dementia, taking the right steps early on can help. Here are some actions you can take:- Recognise the signs: recognising early indicators of dementia (e.g., memory loss, particularly of recent events, difficulty concentrating or solving issues, confusion about time or location and mood changes such as irritation or anxiousness) can result in earlier diagnosis and earlier access to support and potential treatment.
- Consult with a healthcare professional: If you think you may have symptoms of dementia consult a doctor as soon as possible. Early assessment and diagnosis means that help and support can be provided earlier. Early intervention can improve quality of life.
- Healthy living: Regular physical activity and a healthy balanced diet are important for general health and brain function. Mental stimulation and social connection are also important aspects of health for people with dementia.
- Seek support: Individuals with dementia can access support from many places. Some people with dementia, and their families, find support groups helpful. These can offer an opportunity to seek support from people with similar experiences. Having a support network helps alleviate stress and uncertainty.
Talking with a doctor
Your doctor can discuss symptoms that concern you and advise on further testing. There is no single test for dementia and making a diagnosis requires a careful and comprehensive assessment.Also read - 40 Essential Healthy Habits for Women Over 40
Where to get help?
If you need help with dementia, consider these resources:- Health practitioner or GP: Consult a general practitioner or a specialist for diagnosis and treatment options. They can guide you on the next steps and refer you to other services.
- Local council: Your local council can provide information on community services and support available in your area.
- Local community health centre: These centers offer various health services and can provide support for dementia care and resources.
- National Dementia Helpline, Dementia Australia: Call 1800 100 500 for information, support, and resources related to dementia.
- Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS): For 24-hour telephone advice for carers and care workers, call 1800 699 799.
Feeling sick and unsure why? Speak with a GP online in 15 minutes.
Feeling sick and unsure why? Speak with a GP online in 15 minutes.
- Major Neurocognitive Disorder - reference link
- Dementia in Australia - reference link
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